Daftar Blog Saya

Selasa, 27 Desember 2011

1) When giving her a dozen roses, 11 real and 1 fake, say "I will love you until the last rose dies."
* langsung kejang2 gan..

2) Last night I looked up into the stars and matched each one with a reason why I love you. I was doing great untill I ran out of stars.

3) If you held up 11 roses into a mirror, you’d be looking at 12 of the most beautiful things in the world.

4) I love you so much.

5) I love you.
* kadang2 yg simpel kek gini mbikin cewek senyum jg lho gan

6) They say a picture tells 1,000 words but when I see yours all I see is 3: I...love...you

7) You are my bestfriend, my shoulder to lean on, the one person I know I can count on, you're the love of my life, you're my one and only, you're my everything.
* intinya: you're my everything..

8) I could hold you forever.
* pas lagi pelukan, kalimat ini mematikan

9) I'll love you till death, and then some

10) You are beautiful/gorgeous.

11) I sent an angel to look over you at night. The angel came back a minute later and I asked it why. It told me "Angels don't watch other angels."
*hahah gubraaaakkk

12) Life without you is like a broken pencil, pointless.

13) I fall in love with you again everytime I look into your beautiful eyes.
*yang ini ane suka

14) My heart beats your name.

15) Some night when you're outside, look up at all the stars in the sky, each one represents is a reason I'm in love with you.

16) This feels so right.

17) You are the only one for me.
* singkat jelas padat..

18) I say I love you so much because I never know if one day one of us will end up in the hospital and I want your last feeling to be me loving you.

19) Sigh >> kalo diartikan.. "duh.."
* ya gw tau ini bukan kalimat yang "WOW" tapi sangat manjur loh... kalo kalian lagi deket, kayanya "duh.." itu menggambarkan hati lo yang jadi kacau begitu deket dia...
** buat cowo, percaya ma gw: ini manjur

20) look into my eyes and you’ll find me. look into my heart and you’ll find you.

21) You are so amazingly... wonderfully... beautifully... awesomely... maybe... no most definitely the most precious of all precious things.
* kalo si doi lagi down ato lagi sedih-sedihnya, nah pas banget line ini...

22) You’re amazing.
* kata-kata pujian yang simple kaya gini yang kita kadang-kadang lupa ucapin..

23) I want to make you feel special, always.

24) You’re so warm.
* klo lagi pelukan pas banget ni gan

25) You are so cute!
* kalo2 si doi lagi buat kesalahan dan kaya mau-mau nangis gitu, bilang kata2 ini sangat efektif.. pasti dia senyum lagi..

26) How did a guy like me end up with a princess like you?
* gw tau terkesan "loser" hahaha tapi pasti kita pernah ngerasain hal gini pas berhubungan... kita biasa-biasa aja sedangkan cewe kita dimata kita itu sempurna abis...

27) Late at night, when the hum of the everyday world retreats like the sun on the horizon....I think of you.

29) When I'm near you I'm a better Me and when you’re away I'm only half the man I want to be.

30) Life with out you, it isn life at all.

31) I need you (Name). Like the roses need the rain. Like the poet needs the pain. I just can`t live without you. My body and soul are yours.
* romantis gan

32) God was showing off when He created you.
* jayus abis ahahaha

33) You don’t look fat in that outfit.
* bilang ini kalo dia tanya ato kalo dia komplain aja tentang pakaiannya.. tapi jangan tertawa ato senyum, abis ente tar wkakakakaka

34) I miss you because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.

36) I didn’t think it was possible for a girl to look better than you did last time I saw you, but you pulled it off today.
* kalo kemarin baru abis kencan, dan sekarang kencan lagi... nah ini kalimat pas banget... apalagi kalo kita tau kalo dia bener-bener dandan buat kita... kita harus menghargai itu..

37) I could conquer the world with just one hand as long as you were holding the other.

38) You mean the world to me (Name).

39) I was just going to say something, but I forgot when I started looking at you.

40) I love you more than yesterday but less than tomorrow.
* ksebenernya intinya sama aj sih hahaha

41) Everyone is someone's dream and you were mine.
* nunjukkin kalo dia punya arti penting banget dalam hidup lo...

42) Your father’s a thief because he stole all the stars in the sky and put them in your eyes.
* jayus sih tapi tetep bagus..

43) I love you because of no reason at all because if I have a reason to love you, I’m afraid I'll have a reason to leave you.

45) I never understood why my friends would ever say "she's the one" or "I know I want to spend the rest of my life with her", but now, being with you, I've finally realized why.

46) You're my better half. Without you, I won't be complete. It's possible that we may forget each other but right now you complete me.

47) When I see you I become speechless because baby you take my breath away.

48) Goodnight sweetheart.
* pas telepon / sms / lo tau aja kalo dia mau tidur, kalimat yang simple tapi penting..

49) Within you I lose myself, without you I find myself wanting to be lost again.

50) I miss you.
* standar tapi selalu ngefek haha

. kasih cewekmu 12 mawar (11 asli dan 1 palsu) trus ngoong gini gan, aku akan mencintaimu hingga semua mawar ini mati
2. semalam ak menghitung bintang sambil mencari alasan kenapa ak mencintaimu, dan ak melakukan itu hingga tak ada bintang yg tersisa
3 jika kamu (cewek ente gan) membawa 11 batang mawar dan berkaca, maka kamu menjadi mawar ke 12 yang paling indah didunia ini
4. aku sangat mencintaimu
5. aku mencintaimu
6. orang2 blg sebuah lukisan memberikan 1000 kata, tapi kamu hanya memberikan 3 kata: aku...cinta...kamu
7. kau sahabatku, kau tumpuanku, kau orang yang bisa ak harapkan, kau cinta dalam hidupku, hanya kau, dan kau adalah segalanya
8. aku bisa menjagamu selamanya
9. ak mencintaimu sampai mati
10. kau cantik
11. semalam aku mengirimkan malaikat untuk menjagamu, tapi malaikat itu kembali dan berkata "malaikat tidak menjaga malaikan lainya"
12. hidup tanpa dirimu seperti pensil yang patah, tak berguna
13. aku jatuh cinta lagi kepadamu setiap ak melihat matamu yang indah
14. jantungku mendetakan namamu
15. suatu malam saat kau diluar, lihatlah bintang di langit, tiap bintang adalah alasanku jatuh cinta padamu
16. ini yang sesungguhnya
17. kau adalah satu2nya untuku
18. aku berkata aku(cowok) mencintaimu karena bila suatu hari salah satu dari kita akan mati dan aku mau perasaan terakhirmu untuk aku(cewek) cinta kamu
19. lihat kedalam mataku dan kau akan menemukanku, lihat kedalam hatiku dan kau akan menemukan dirimu
20. Kamu sangat luar biasa ... mengagumkan ... indah ... awesomely ... mungkin ... tidak ada yang paling pasti yang paling berharga dari segala sesuatu yang berharga
21. kau menakjubkan
22. aku ingin membuat mu spesial, selalu
23. kau sangat hangat (nyaman)
24. kau sangat lucu
25. bagaimana seorang pecundang spertiku berakhir dengan seorang putri sperti mu?
26. Larut malam, ketika dengung retret dunia sehari-hari seperti matahari di cakrawala....aku teringat padamu.
27. saat aku di dekatmu aku menjadi "aku", saat kau jauh aku hanya menjadi setengah bagian dari "aku""
28. hidup tanpamu...bukan hidup
29. Ak butuh Anda (Nama). Seperti mawar memerlukan hujan. Seperti penyair membutuhan rasa sakit. Ak hanya tidak bisa hidup tanpa Anda. Tubuhku dan jiwa adalah milikmu.
30. Tuhan sedang pamer ketika dia menciptakanmu
31. kau terlihat cocok dgn baju itu
32. I miss you karena ketika anda menyadari bahwa anda ingin menghabiskan sisa hidup Anda dengan seseorang, Anda ingin sisa hidup Anda untuk memulai secepat mungkin.
33. ak tidak berpikir hal itu mungkin bagi seorang gadis untuk terlihat lebih baik dr yang Anda lakukan saat terakhir ak melihat mu, tetapi kau membuktikanya hari ini.
34. Ak bisa menaklukkan dunia hanya dgn satu tangan selama Anda menahan yang lain.
35. maksudmu dunia untuku (nama)
36. ak ingin mengatakan sesuatu, tapi aku lupa saat aku melihatmu
37. ak mencintaimu lebih dari kemaren, tapi kurang dari besok
38. semua org mempunyai mimpi sendiri2 tapi mimpimu adalah miliku (dibalik jg bisa)
39. bapakmu adalah pencuri! karena dia mencuri smua bintang di langit dan manaruhnya di matamu
40. Aku mencintaimu karena tidak ada alasan sama sekali karena jika aku punya alasan untuk mencintaimu, aku takut aku akan punya alasan untuk meninggalkanmu.
41. aku tidak pernah mengerti kenapa teman2ku berkata "dialah satu2nya", atau "aku tahu ak akan menghabiskan sisa hidupku dengannya" tapi sekarang, bersamamu, aku akhirnya mengerti itu smua
42. kau adalh bagian dari diriku, tanpamu aku tidak akan lengkap. ada kemungkinan bahwa kita akan lupa satu sama lainya tapi sekarang kau melengkapi ku
43. saat ak melihatmu, ak tidak bisa berkata ap2...krna kau telah mengambil nafasku
44. selamat malam sayang
45. denganmu ak hilang kendali, tanpamu ak menemukan diriku yang ingin menjadi hilang kembali
46. aku merindukanmu
ni agan2 terjemahanya...monggo dirajam

Minggu, 19 Desember 2010

Laporan Bab I


Sabtu, 20 November 2010

link kungfu komang


Selasa, 12 Oktober 2010

hey girl, i can’t see you. Oh, probably this is the thing where they call Love Is Blind

Gombal Gombel

From Mahasiswa ITB teknik elektro

#1 - there are only 2 words in the sentence i love you. because you and i count as one.

#2 - i know why there are many gay couples in this world. because they’d rather be gay knowing they can’t have a perfect women like you.

#3 - i think I’m having color blindness. because since I’ve met you, other than you, all i can see is black and white.

#4 - if my love to you were to be a staircase, i could reach Pluto by now.

#5 - if you were to live for 100 years, then i want to live for 99 years so that I’d never have to live a
single day without you.

#6 - i can fall straight from the sky. i can jump from an airplane and skydive. but the best way for me to fall is in love with you.

#7 - i bet you, on the day you were born it was raining. because all of the angels were crying that the most beautiful one was sent down to earth.

#8 - if your heart were to be a prison, please sentence me to life.

#9 - if my life were to be a book, I’d definitely find your name on the last page, because you make a great ending to my life’s story.

#10 - so tell me again, what time should you be back in heaven?

#11 - People say Disneyland is the happiest place on earth. Those who said so, obviously have never been in your arms before.

#12 - maybe i should buy you a keyboard. because it’s the only thing that puts U and I together.

#13 - i feel sorry for you babe. waking up in a red room with no windows nor doors. but no need to worry. its my heart.

#14 - there are wanted posters down at the candy store. don’t worry, i won’t tell them you’re here.

#15 - your father sure is an alien. because I’ve never seen anything like you on earth.

#16 - try holding 11 roses in front of a mirror. you’ll see a dozen of the most beautiful things in the world.

#17 - Hey you dropped something. (what?). my jaw.

#18 - hey, mind accompanying me to the home for the aged? because i really do wanna grow old with you..

#19 - hey girl, apart from being beautiful, what do you do for a living?

#20 - i was gonna give you a rose, but the thought crossed my mind. why the need when there’s a beautiful one standing in front of me.

#21 - didn’t know you use foursquare. i just saw you became the mayor of my heart.

#22 - I swear I’ve seen you play basketball before. Oh right, you’ve been the playmaker in my heart.

#23 - aren’t you Barney Stinson? because you sure made my life Legend-waitforit-Dary.

#24 - bea_tiful is incomplete without U. so how can i s_rvive when U are not around?

#25 - if giving you my meals were to show my love to you, I’d be having malnutrition by now.

#26 - hey girl, let me see the tag on your shirt. Oh no wonder, it says ‘made in heaven’.

#27 - when i’m around a beautiful girl i usually whistle. but damn girl you make whistling so hard to do. How can you not? You left me breathless.

#28 - say again, how did you get your driver’s license? because damn girl you just bumped into my heart.

#29 - you sure you haven’t played chess before? you checkmated me when i’m near you.

#30 - hey is it sunrise already? oh nevermind. you just smiled

#31 - if my love to you were on a 1-100 scale, it would be, naaah forget it. it has no boundaries.

#32 - girl, our relationship should be like a keyboard, where Y,O,U,and I always stick together.

#33 - i really do want to get my master’s degree in mathematics. so i can calculate the biggest integer that ever existed to value my love to you.
#34 -
to mathematician, for love, 1+1 is not always 2.

to shakespeare, love is romeo and juliet.

to athletes, love is breaking a new world record.

but to me, love is a noun God wraps in a media called you.

#35 - you didn’t tell me you were on TV last night. what were you doing sitting on top of Miss Universe’s head?

#36 - I don’t need 1000 reasons to love you. I still love you even when there are no reasons to love you.

#37 - the difference between you and a perfect woman is none.

#38 - present a rose and say:” this rose wants proof that there is another beautiful thing out there”

#39 - hey girl, are we at an airport? because i swear i just saw my heart taking off.

#40 - even when you’re talking gibberish, your voice is still music to my ears.

#41 - girl, if you were a book you’d be a dictionary. because you add the meaning to life.